Dog Walker of the Moment: Kelly Fox
Where do we start? She's the formerly cruise ship sequined, singing, cupcake making, cartoon drawing, writer, actress, dog walking extraordinaire. Oops, left out athlete; Kelly's training to run the NY marathon too.
She's the jack of all trades, multi faceted dog walker. Her parents argue genius, but it could just be dog crazy. Either way, it works for her clients that absolutely rely on her talent with and care for their dogs; and often sing her praises. Kelly has mastered the basics of obedience with her clients, and thus far the only place she's fallen short...getting the pups to practice a 16 bar cut with her (huh!?).
Kelly is so inpsired by her pooch posse that she is currently writing and illustrating a children's book about Ella, a NY Walk & Train client.
Check out Kelly's website at
And if you were looking to sponsor a dog loving actor, singer, writer, artist, cupcake maker, possibly genius, but maybe just dog crazy runner for the NY marathon...please bark up! We ain't too proud to beg!
Woof! Woof!